Safeguarding at Live-in Care Direct
24/7 peace of mind
One-to-one support from a trusted carer.
Keep same routine
Care is based around their exact same lifestyle.
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Professionals on hand
Help available 7 days a week from 8am-10pm.
Safeguarding at Live-in Care Direct
At Live-in Care Direct, our core Safety and Trust Principles guide everything we do. We believe every adult has the right to live safely, free from abuse and neglect.
As an Introductory Agency, Live-in Care Direct connects families with professional, vetted, self-employed carers to provide live-in care for their loved ones. While we do not directly employ carers, we take safeguarding and the well-being of care recipients very seriously.
To ensure safety remains at the heart of what we do, Live-in Care Direct has a Designated Safeguarding Lead responsible for upholding our safeguarding principles and processes.
Safer Recruitment
At Live-in Care Direct, we implement robust safer recruitment practices. This includes thorough vetting, reference checks, and ensuring all carers have upto-date Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificates. These measures ensure that only qualified and trustworthy carers are connected with our care recipients.
Digital Safeguarding
We prioritise protecting the dignity and privacy of care recipients in all digital and online interactions. Carers are explicitly prohibited from recording or photographing care recipients without prior consent. This includes any instances of distress or vulnerability. Breaches will result in immediate action and potential removal from our platform.
Confidentiality and Whistleblowing
Confidentiality is central to our safeguarding principles. All carers must respect the privacy of care recipients and their families. However, we also encourage whistleblowing, ensuring that anyone can raise concerns about abuse or neglect without fear of retribution. A clear process is in place to support whistleblowers in reporting concerns safely.
Self-Neglect and Safeguarding
Self-neglect is a complex issue that falls under safeguarding adults. Carers are trained to identify signs of self-neglect, which may include failure to care for one’s health, hygiene, or environment. We work closely with families and local authorities to address such cases compassionately and effectively.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
At Live-in Care Direct, our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Jason Russell. The DSL is responsible for overseeing all safeguarding matters within the organisation, ensuring policies and processes are adhered to, and providing guidance and support in safeguarding situations.
If you have concerns or questions about safeguarding, you can contact the DSL directly:
The DSL also collaborates with local authorities, families, and carers to ensure any safeguarding concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding refers to the measures taken to protect adults at risk from harm, abuse, or neglect, and to promote their well-being. It includes addressing physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse, as well as neglect, discrimination, and other forms of maltreatment.
An ‘adult at risk’ is someone who has care and support needs and may have limited ability to protect themselves. At Live-in Care Direct, we refer to these individuals as ‘Care Recipients.’
Categories of Abuse
Below are the categories of abuse we aim to protect against:
- Physical: Hitting, slapping, misuse of medication, inappropriate restraint, or poor moving and handling practices.
- Financial or Material: Theft, fraud, exploitation, or mismanagement of financial affairs.
- Sexual: Includes non-consensual acts, exposure to inappropriate material, or forcing someone to witness sexual acts.
- Discriminatory: Racism, sexism, ageism, or homophobia, including hate crimes.
- Organisational: Poor care practices, rigid routines, or inadequate staffing.
- Neglect and Acts of Omission: Failure to provide proper care, health, or access to essential services.
- Psychological: Threats, harassment, intimidation, or cyberbullying.
- Domestic Violence or Abuse: Controlling, coercive, or abusive behaviour between intimate partners or family members.
- Self-Neglect: Failing to care for oneself or one’s surroundings, including hoarding.
- Modern Slavery: Forced labour, human trafficking, or domestic servitude.
What to Do if You Have a Safeguarding Concern
Safeguarding concerns may arise from time to time, and it’s important to act promptly to protect the safety of those involved.
- If there is an immediate danger: Contact emergency services by dialling 999.
- Reporting to Social Services: If you suspect abuse or neglect, report the concern to the relevant local authority. Use the Find Your Local Council tool to identify the appropriate authority by entering the Care Recipient’s postcode.
- Reporting to the Police: If a criminal offence has occurred, such as theft, assault, or gross neglect, escalate your concerns to the police. For immediate danger, contact 999. For retrospective concerns, contact 101.
Reporting Concerns to Live-in Care Direct
If you suspect or become aware of abuse, neglect, or harm, please report it to Live-in Care Direct immediately via email. Emails are monitored during business hours (Monday to Friday).
For carers, safeguarding concerns related to your current placement can also be raised through the appropriate communication channels provided by Live-in Care Direct.
All concerns are reviewed by our Designated Safeguarding Lead, who will work with you and cooperate with third parties as required. We take all safeguarding reports seriously and aim to address urgent concerns within 3 business hours.
Governance and Quality Assurance
Where safeguarding concerns relate to the conduct of a carer using our platform, Live-in Care Direct will follow its established safeguarding and quality assurance procedures. Our platform is supported by stringent access criteria, ensuring that carers meet high standards of professionalism and integrity.
Our Integrated Governance Committee reviews safeguarding concerns weekly to ensure proper action has been taken.
Integrated Governance Committee Members:
- Designated Safeguarding Legal Advisor
At Live-in Care Direct, we are committed to creating a safe environment for all Care Recipients and ensuring carers are supported in delivering high-quality, compassionate care.
Our TikTok Feed
To help us find you the right carer, we just need to ask a few questions.
Firstly, what type of care are you looking for?
When do you need the care to start?
Knowing this will help us identify available carers who match your needs
How will the care be paid for?
Live-in Care Direct can help with funding advice if you need it
Will the carer have their own bedroom?
Live-in Care Direct can only provide live-in care if the carer has their own room
Please enter the care recipients postcode
We need this to find available carers in the area

Great news, we currently have carers available in your area who match your care needs
To see carers and shortlist those who best match your needs, please enter your details below.
Good news! Based on what you’ve told us we can help right away.
One of our team will be in touch with you shortly or call us now on:
- Live-in care
- Respite care
- Visiting care
- Straight away
- Within a week
- Within a month
- Within the next 3 months
- Longer than 3 months
- Unsure
- Self-funded
- Council/NHS funding
- Yes
- No
- Not sure
- Continue
- Continue
The benefits of using Live-in Care Direct:
- ✓ Fast and easy online application
- ✓ Care arranged in as little as 24hrs
- ✓ No hidden costs or surprise charges