Understand When Should Someone Be Offered Palliative Care?


When we hear the term “palliative care,” we might think of it as only being relevant to those who are facing their final days. However, the reality is that palliative care can be incredibly beneficial to individuals with serious illnesses, regardless of their prognosis.  But when should someone be offered palliative care?  This is a […]

Heavy Boost for the UK’s Care Providers: Staffordshire County Council offers an additional £4.4m amid omicron crisis


From the novel coronavirus to omicron, a more life-threatening specie of the mass killing virus  It is entirely factual that the fight against the Covid-19 hasn’t been a walk in the park. Alongside the physical and psychological pain it causes, financial strain is one negativity we can’t forget. Research points out that it is primarily […]

Live in Care


Give the gift of personalized care to the elderly members of your family. Live-in Care Direct offers personalized care services thorough their live-in care managers who will manage all tasks of your elderly providing the best care for them Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Amnesia, Brain Injuries, Neurological disorders are all very tough and difficult to manage medical […]