Heavy Boost for the UK’s Care Providers: Staffordshire County Council offers an additional £4.4m amid omicron crisis


From the novel coronavirus to omicron, a more life-threatening specie of the mass killing virus  It is entirely factual that the fight against the Covid-19 hasn’t been a walk in the park. Alongside the physical and psychological pain it causes, financial strain is one negativity we can’t forget. Research points out that it is primarily […]

Remove Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination Regulations on us! The Homecare Association decreed


With vaccination against Covid-19 going around the world, most counties put unnecessary pressure on exercise. Only recently, the Homecare Association had to come to its defense on the imposed mandatory regulations. The new deployment rule in CQC-regulated care demanded that every employee take the jab, which the association did not agree to entirely.  Covid-19 vaccinations […]