Companion care is a distinct type of long-term care that focuses on giving emotional support and friendship to the elderly and practical assistance with daily duties. It is a popular type of care for older persons who desire to age in place in the comfort and safety of their own home while staying independent and socially engaged.
- make frequent visits, which may vary in frequency based on the individual requirements of the care receiver. Companions often come at least once a week, but some may visit twice a week, three times a week, or even daily to assist older persons with food preparation, washing, and other duties. Appointments may also cause schedules to shift. If an older adult has an appointment outside of normal visit hours, companions will typically rearrange their schedules to suit these requirements or make other transportation arrangements.
Why is companionship care in Oxfordshire important for your loved ones?
Feeling alone or withdrawn can negatively influence elders’ health, well-being, and quality of life over time. Loneliness may cause stress, leading to severe diseases such as anxiety disorders or depression. It can also have a negative impact on physical health, such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and greater rates of chronic illness. Feeling lonely can also have a knock-on impact, causing seniors to eat less, abandon hobbies, or ignore other areas of their health.
Do you have a senior loved one who may need additional assistance around the house – or perhaps some company and companionship? Our skilled, professional companions would be delighted to assist!
Our companions in Oxfordshire are here to assist you in ensuring that your senior loved ones receive the social connections and assistance they require without having to leave the comfort of their homes or find a means to pay for expensive, institutional care.
Our purpose at Companions for Seniors in Oxfordshire is to assist seniors in living independently and with dignity in the comfort of their own homes.
What are the benefits of Companionship care in Oxfordshire
Our companions are trained and bonded, and they can help provide a range of services to let your loved ones stay in the comfort of their own homes while ensuring that their requirements are fulfilled. Our companions are available full- or part-time and can provide driving services in the luxury of a working automobile.
Our services are adaptable, convenient, and simple to use. Companions for Seniors offers a free in-home evaluation of your senior family’s existing condition. In most situations, we can get you up and running in days.
How do we become a good client?
Do you have a senior loved one who might need additional help around the house – or maybe some company and companionship? Our skilled, professional companions would be delighted to assist!
Our companions are here to assist you in ensuring that your senior loved ones receive the social connections and assistance they require without having to leave the comfort of their homes or find a means to pay for expensive, institutional care.
Our purpose at Companions for Seniors is to assist seniors in living independently and with dignity in the comfort of their own homes.